I, Ayaka Hashimoto from Japan, have a big dream to create a border-less soaring community, spreading all over the world.
Aiming to the dream, I decided to set the following tasks to myself:
1) To improve my soaring abilities to the level of competition pilot,
2) To participate in as many soaring competitions as possible, and publish my experience broadly for introducing the fascination of our beloved sports to the people in the world.
3) To build a person-to-person, club-to-club, and internatinal friendships by improving my commnunication skills through the experience of flying in various contries, with various friends, in different conditions.
4) And to make such a platform that the young pilots(like me) can improve themselves by exchanging their own experiences each other.
As the very first step toward my dream, I decided to participate in this competition `Joeyglide 2010'. I am a graduate student of Tokyo Institute of Technology in Japan, and preparing for my master thesis
which is due the on next Februrary. It has been a realy hard work preparing for this competition while writing my master thesis, but at I enjoy the days simply because It's all for flying: my favorite!.
In Japan, soaring (and also other skysports) is not so popular. People who familiar with gliders are rare, and the sports is considered to the sports for 'some limited (rich or curious?) peoples'. I do regret such situation and really want to change it over! by joining this competition and publishing my own experience to them, and spread the real pleasure of this sports.
Therefore, for that purpose, I will improve myself through this JoeyGlide 2010, and feedback my experience to the soaring pilots in Japan. Then I will encourage young pilots like me to fly internationally, by publishing my experience (e.g.) via a website. I belive that such actions will help all soaring pilots in the world not only in Japan, Australia and many other countries.
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